Rain.... RAIN…
Something rolls within …… word which dominates the mind like nothing can !
An image of gloomy and dim face of nature appears in our mental montage. The sky from dawn to dusk remains overshadowed by clusters of clouds.
Clouds in the sky mean refreshing rain that has a romanticizing effect in our hearts. When the clouds float in the sky like the surf of the sea, then our hearts dance with an unknown sensation. When the sky darkens as the sun disappears beneath a blanket of scudding clouds, then, seemingly in an instant, sheets of rain gush out across the parched landscape….on parched hearts….on parched thoughts…giving rise to new life and feelings.
The scattering raindrops announce the arrival of happiness
With the life giving rain and its wild storm, the monsoon is a mixed blessing, whimsical, unpredictable just like a obstinate sixteen year old girl.. When these little drops of the rain falls on our long- parched body after the simmering summer, our body gives a shuddering response just like a mimosa ( touch-me-not) plant and the rain gives us a enticing touch.
Rains , as it makes the earth’s greenery strikingly rich so it makes the tender hearts of the youth fertile .There’s no innocent expression than seeing (searching) the reflection of your loved ones in these little drops on your palm. Same raindrops provide refuge to tears of a broken heart.
The rain has such a beautifying and magnifying effect . The first rain brings widespread excitement among the children and how much I envy them as they go out and have a douche in the rains spreading water and mud over each other .
Really, how delightful it is to make paper boat and make it float in the pools of the yard formed by the rain…and even today I don’t miss it !
The cloudy sky gets into a strong interaction with the human mind and awakens it to its senses So rain comes with many moods and shapes and takes an enduring place in our senses and sensibilities.
It wets the land and wets the soul.
great job by SHRUTI.......
d language is so vivid......
shruti...i must say ki u have brought d reality in picture...
reading this brings d pic. of rainy season in front of me......all d fun that each 1 of us might have enjoyed in d pools of water in our childhood days...
its fun reading this.....
I read the piece and remember just one thing.....
"Woh Kagaj ki Kasti.....
Woh Baarish ka Paani....."
As pure as the drops of rain....
As glowing as the shining drops...
As colourful as the rainbow....!!!
The splashing colours of heart beats,
smearing the joys everywhere...!!!
@ sonam
paperboats were and are still near to everyone ...juss tried to bring one facet though remains many ..to write
@ swapnil
directly jagjit singh
seems like paper boats are rovin everywhere ....in everyheart
colours of joy here in my heart to see clouds of comment in my sky ( blog)
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