Flashback , ~ August '07
5 days a week - 2 hours a day-dissection hall -peak gossips-unlimited masti-treat to eyes- eerie expressions-exploring unexplored -gyan exchange-professors scolding = reception -sorry interpretations-catching someone's glimpse from corner of your eye -getting caught by your closest friend
Approximately an year has been passed when we had first entered the dissection hall,it was few days after those theory lectures.
Actually after Deans welcoming speech- I was like -Am I going to enter a profession, perhaps,5 years slaving in which 95% is guesswork ? IDIOPATHIC, the lingo we use, unknown path :-?
The first thing we noticed was smell…. most of us including me with handkerchiefs on nasal apertures.
On moving the eyelashes..I was facing dead ,brown ,naked bodies...5 of them
Smell had become even stronger that we could barely breathe.."We will get used to it" was nearest and comforting comment, actually that was the formalin stuff that would keep the body away from decaying by the time we were supposed to dissect and explore
I refreshed the mental note of segals book that -"We who have come to preserve the living ,must first preserve the dead "A kinda paradox :)Soon , all of us were with different expressions on facebook,some had still not overcome that smell,few were like hey ..this is gonna be interesting,few were fainting ,and some supercools (show off) had put on gloves and stuff..
While I was trying to analyse the thoughts of my colleages…
……prof. had entered, he was renowned surgeon of city,approx. of my dad's age,fit n impressive., Mr.Gandhi , our guide for rest of the year.Without any further intro's and borin job “I am especially pleased to be leading out expeditions through mysteries of human body !Get instruments and as soon as you get set up, we will start ".
My eyes had twinkled, he was great ,IMPRESSED!
We were split into groups and assigned the cadavers.I had not thought that I would be the one to take first incision amgst gals after boys had started who shared the common cadaver with us.Cunninghum was sole advisor guiding us through epidermis,dermis,subcutaneous fat,superficials fascia ,deep fascia , muscle. whilst we were made to imprint on our grey that-“the bodies before you ( us ) were once breathing ,alive and sentient.They were generous enough that they even after death they would serve mankind.I want u to treat them with respect and if i see foolin around or horseplay , be sure that u will b kicked out”
Actually it depends from where you wish to start dissection .
I would like to mention whilst we dissected for thorax region
This time it had been professor.He took a serrated scissor like tool and broke the breastbone , the sound was like that of breaking a branch of tree.He started slicing through manubrium, xiphoid process,intercostal muscles,thoracic nerves, whilst we were supposed to take mental notes of everything he uttered and suddenly with a snap the rib cage opened like cracked walnutand everyone was beholding breath...a glimpse of mediastinum where the engine of human body , heart lies with lungs on either side!
A photo imprinted on my minds eye…it was awesome and minutes later I was actually holding heart in my hand ..incredible,.. feeling that had ushered can’t be expressed in words. All were hired with the job of clicking all sort of snaps they could :) with the cell phones ;)
Really it was one the best times , we will remember throughout life...becoming doctors, pride it carries , in love with the things that we have learned and further more we will..
Sincerely, its a lot of a hardwork job and worth that hardworking too !
All 550 hours required for anatomy will be always reminded by me ( us).
5 days a week - 2 hours a day-dissection hall -peak gossips-unlimited masti-treat to eyes- eerie expressions-exploring unexplored -gyan exchange-professors scolding = reception -sorry interpretations-catching someone's glimpse from corner of your eye -getting caught by your closest friend
Approximately an year has been passed when we had first entered the dissection hall,it was few days after those theory lectures.
Actually after Deans welcoming speech- I was like -Am I going to enter a profession, perhaps,5 years slaving in which 95% is guesswork ? IDIOPATHIC, the lingo we use, unknown path :-?
The first thing we noticed was smell…. most of us including me with handkerchiefs on nasal apertures.
On moving the eyelashes..I was facing dead ,brown ,naked bodies...5 of them
Smell had become even stronger that we could barely breathe.."We will get used to it" was nearest and comforting comment, actually that was the formalin stuff that would keep the body away from decaying by the time we were supposed to dissect and explore
I refreshed the mental note of segals book that -"We who have come to preserve the living ,must first preserve the dead "A kinda paradox :)Soon , all of us were with different expressions on facebook,some had still not overcome that smell,few were like hey ..this is gonna be interesting,few were fainting ,and some supercools (show off) had put on gloves and stuff..
While I was trying to analyse the thoughts of my colleages…
……prof. had entered, he was renowned surgeon of city,approx. of my dad's age,fit n impressive., Mr.Gandhi , our guide for rest of the year.Without any further intro's and borin job “I am especially pleased to be leading out expeditions through mysteries of human body !Get instruments and as soon as you get set up, we will start ".
My eyes had twinkled, he was great ,IMPRESSED!
We were split into groups and assigned the cadavers.I had not thought that I would be the one to take first incision amgst gals after boys had started who shared the common cadaver with us.Cunninghum was sole advisor guiding us through epidermis,dermis,subcutaneous fat,superficials fascia ,deep fascia , muscle. whilst we were made to imprint on our grey that-“the bodies before you ( us ) were once breathing ,alive and sentient.They were generous enough that they even after death they would serve mankind.I want u to treat them with respect and if i see foolin around or horseplay , be sure that u will b kicked out”
Actually it depends from where you wish to start dissection .
I would like to mention whilst we dissected for thorax region
This time it had been professor.He took a serrated scissor like tool and broke the breastbone , the sound was like that of breaking a branch of tree.He started slicing through manubrium, xiphoid process,intercostal muscles,thoracic nerves, whilst we were supposed to take mental notes of everything he uttered and suddenly with a snap the rib cage opened like cracked walnutand everyone was beholding breath...a glimpse of mediastinum where the engine of human body , heart lies with lungs on either side!
A photo imprinted on my minds eye…it was awesome and minutes later I was actually holding heart in my hand ..incredible,.. feeling that had ushered can’t be expressed in words. All were hired with the job of clicking all sort of snaps they could :) with the cell phones ;)
Really it was one the best times , we will remember throughout life...becoming doctors, pride it carries , in love with the things that we have learned and further more we will..
Sincerely, its a lot of a hardwork job and worth that hardworking too !
All 550 hours required for anatomy will be always reminded by me ( us).
Wow yr. . . . .
Ur post remind'd me f our early days. It ws same cndntn in our cls durng our 1st visit in d d'sectn hal. . . . .
V al wer 2 xcit'd abt d anat prac. . . . Ac'ly d hal ws mor imp 4 us 2 chit-chat dan 2 do serious d'sectn (wich v hv dne oftn)
Ur discrptn f 1st day is 2 gud. . . . . .
While rdng it seems dat it again hapng infrnt f ma eyes. . . . REALY MISNG DOSE DAYS. . . . .
Really fantastic...
it reminded me of my first dissection as well...
N u wrote such nicely tht im impressed...GENIUS INDEED YARR....
4m nw onwards there will b no cadavers as such n v will hv 2 deal wid real living humans....scared yarr...!!!
Lets see wht will happen...hope 4 d bst...
Bt will surely goin 2 miss cadavers,formalin perfume,more talk n less study at DT n all tht...
arre yar awsum........ N Hats off to Gandhi sir..... too good...... just too good,...... Wen i read this i also went back into those days wen i used to dissect n all other go on gossipin........ sometimes i ialso used to gossip wid them.... he he he..... Wat u wrote abt that thorax dissection ....gr8.... sagalach bhari ahe.... too gud
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