Few hours before , it was twilight, I was sitting lazily in verandah ( nice place to spend evening time)...and whilst I was thinking about how could have I spent a better evening with friends hanging out somewhere , and before I sort it out, I shrieked ..it was puppy,who made me act infront of bacchalog , playing with it..
There it was , disk of smile on my face , I chuckled and was lost in memory of myriad things I (we) had done in our pink times
....I can recollect it so vividly , dada (brother ) and his gang wale( his friends) and myself, their only sole follower to do all things they would ask me for , like bringing ball while they played cricket and never gave me chance to bat :( and similar things ..
The way we used to play with puppies , bring them home and then got aai's scolding like - "Take it away...wash your hands , you will have some infection , next time you bring it home...."
and the thing I would like to mention about these puppies is that if you give them affection they would repay it , unlike us !..
Once, dada and me had even planned 100% to keep puppy at home , keeping secret from aai
as per plan, we brought it home , made a place in backyard and kept for 2-3 days...made a place for it, I was given the job of stealing chapatis and feed puppy.Later on when it was unfolded, it would not leave the home ...we both tried to convince aai a lot but when governess says no then by no means it can be yes :P .Two days it was taken in car and dropped somewhere , from where it coulnot retrace the path...We had cried a lot ....
I know this is very common incidence but I just wanted to share it here , the emotions , the innocence we had in our childhood , the pure love and real drops that trickled down our face ...
everything was flashed behind my retina ..
And now here it is me , scared of dogs to the hilt one can not even think of ! Really feels so strange ...
Things change with the elevation of eyelid!!
Things change with the depression of eyelid!!
Wow. . . . Ur dis post ws cmpletly diff dan wat i hv xpctd. I thot dat u'l post sthn a bit serious bt u hv post a halla-fulka bt nice topic. Felt lil bad 2 knw dat ur aai denied 2 kip u a puppy. Bt on dis mater m a bit lucky dan urs..... :P
Ma aai agred 2 kip a puppy at our hme bt dat 2 aftr mch cryng al prog. As u knw i hv a dog named 'Jadoo'. He ws 2 brot 2 our hme by me n ma bro. For 2 days v kept him in our lil garden bt den aai said dat v cnt kip him nemor...... :(
Thn al d drama of cryng n al startd by me n ma bro. Finaly ma swet aai heart meltd n she alowd us 2 kip him. . . . . Our swet Jadoo....Nw as if he hs bcum 1 of d family member.... Ur post reminded of ma old moments wen v brot jadoo for d 1st tym 2 our hme
N 1 mor thng ur pic selection as alway is gr8. D mor close is d gal wid d puppy as in pic ; d mor u r away 4m 'em nw :P
N do kip on postng on d blog n most imp lso do rpys here on ma comnts :P
@ fairy..
just one i hng ..i think from your comments that you can have a post too on same topic :P
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